Gender-Affirming Menopause Care Certification Course Starts in January!

This five week online series is designed to provide training in gender-affirming care for folx who work with (or want to work with) genderqueer, gender-expansive, and trans individuals going through menopause. Join us to learn how to address the unique challenges faced by transgender and non-binary individuals during this stage of life.

Gender-Affirming Menopause Care

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Launching The Genderqueer Menopause Coach Podcast!

Hey y’all–I’ve launched my podcast! The Genderqueer Menopause Coach Podcast In the inaugural episode of the Genderqueer Menopause Coach Podcast, I, Lasara Firefox Allen, MSW, The Genderqueer Menopause Coach, interviewed Dr. Marie Benkley. Dr. Marie and I had a great conversation. We discussed a wide range of topics related to gender-affirming menopause care, including the […]

Launching The Genderqueer Menopause Coach Podcast! Read More »

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Gender-Affirming Menopause Care for Healthcare Providers

Providing gender-affirming menopause care for healthcare providers is an opportunity for ongoing education and learning. In order for healthcare providers to offer affirming care, it’s essential to recognize and address the unique needs of genderqueer individuals experiencing the menopause transition. By understanding the intersection of gender identity and menopausal health, medical professionals can provide inclusive

Gender-Affirming Menopause Care for Healthcare Providers Read More »

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